قصر الواحة

   قصر الواحة يرحب بكم ويدعوكم لتجربة ثراءُ الإرث الثقافي العربي في مدينة الرياض. صعوداً من الرمال، كل ذرةٌ في الرياض تتحدث عن عادة الكرم وحسن الضيافة في سكانها. ففيما نحن نرحب بكل أسباب إقامتكم، فنحن نسعى لجعل إقامتكم أكثر راحة ورفاهية. ومن ناحيةٌ أخرى إذا كنت من محبي تذوق الطعام، وترغب في تجربة غِنى الرياض في مأكولاتها، فيسعدنا أن نخبرك بأنك قمت بالإختيار المناسب ! فمجموعتنا البديعة من الأطباق المطبوخة بأسرار الطبخ المتوارثةُ مُنذُ القِدَم ، ستجعل من إقامتك لدينا جذابةٌ وآسرةٌ أكثر. علاوة على ذلك ، مع خدمة السيارات الخاصة بنا، نُمَكن عملائنا من الإستفادة القصوى من إقامتهم معنا وتمكينهم من زيارة أكثر وأشهر المناطق بروزاً في مدينة الرياض.


   Irrespective of whether you are a frequent flyer or a one putting your foot for the first time on the sulky sands of Riyadh, the Alwaha Palace’ welcomes you to experience the richness and hospitality of the royal lands of Riyadh. Positioned in the heart of Riyadh, ‘Alwaha Palace’, offers state of the art luxuries to make your holiday most enjoyable. Equipped with the most modern amenities, ‘Alwaha Palace’¸ extends a perfect combination of Comfort and Ambiance.

Surrounded by the most prominent business centers & Government departments, we at ‘Alwaha Palace’, offer the most convenient and alluring stay to our visitors to enable them to explore their surrounding most expediently.

On the outset, while our luxurious suites offer all the space for you and your family to accommodate your happiness, our extended range of rooms offer internationally designed world class facilities to refrain you from feeling unobserved in any way. Moreover, being situated in the heart of commercial city, We make it all the more easy for our guests to book their stay even on the eleventh hour! The ÁlwahaPalace’,welcomes you to experience the richness of the cultural heritage of Riyadh. Descending from the sands of Time, every grain of Riyadh out speaks about the welcoming nature of its inhabitants.

As we welcome all your reasons of your stay, we endeavor to make your stay most delightful and relaxed. However, on the other hand if you are food buff, and wish to taste the richness of Riyadh in its food, then it is imperative to mention, that you have made the right choice! Our exquisite dishes cooked with the ancient trade secrets will surely make your stay with us, all the more captivating.

Further, with our in-house cab facilities, we enable our customers to make the most of their stay by visiting the most prominent places in Riyadh.

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