الشركة الوطنية لإنتاج البذور والخدمات الزراعية - بذور

  • Adresse: Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

    ا لرياض, المملكة العربية السعودية
    Ville : Riaydh
  • Tel: 009664958118 /



   إنتاج احتياجات المملكة بالكامل من بذور القمح والشعير في كل من القصيم وحائل ذور قمح الخبز وقمح المكرونة والقمح الطري و قمح البسكويت وبذور الشعير و بذور الأعلاف و بذور الخضار

    The National Seed and Agriculture Service Co. was established in the year 1986 with an initial capital of SR. 8580000 by a number of the biggest agricultural companies in the Kingdom such as the National Agricultural Development Company (NADEC), National Agricultural Company (Watania), Hail Agricultural Development Company (HADCO), and Gassim Agricultural Development Company (GADCO) in addition to a number of major businessmen in the Kingdom such as HRH Prince Fahad Bin Megrin Bin Abdulaziz, Sheikh Saleh Abdulaziz Al-Rajhi, and Sheikh Saleh Mutlaq Al-Henaki.

The target behind the establishment of this Company was to produce and satisfy the Kingdom’s full needs of wheat and barley seeds instead of importing them from abroad . Practically, the company established two major seed-production sites in both Al-Qassim and Hail. It equipped these two sites with highly efficient seed-cleaning and treatment machines of productive capacity 350 ton per day. It appointed for the two sites a number of highly qualified, experienced, and specialized agricultural engineers.

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